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Benefits of Social Media in Business

07.13.2017 | technology

Benefits Of Social Media In Business

Social media has blossomed into a new era of technology.  In today’s business world, social media is an easy, effective, and affordable tool to engage your target audience and generate brand awareness.  No matter the business you are in, the benefits of social media is something that should no longer be ignored.

There are numerous benefits of being involved in social media for your business.

Posting online for your company can help increase brand recognition and brand loyalty. This means customers who frequently see your brand on social media are more likely to be loyal towards your company. Brand loyalty can enable rapid growth depending on how often you’re posting, and how many followers you have.  Showing recognition and following other businesses on social media platforms can help your brand grow and attain new, hopefully loyal, customers.

Social media is also very cost effective. Traditional media can be very expensive, but signing up for social media platforms is completely free. The only cost added is the time you spend updating your profile and interacting with contacts. Having decreased marketing costs means there are endless possibilities of platforms or ways you can reach your customers.

Integrating into social media is simple, flexible, and easily measurable. For people with basic IT experience, all that is required is internet connection and a computer. The platforms are simple to use, and don’t take long to adjust to. Social media’s adaptability makes updating and altering content generally flexible. Information can be changed daily, unlike traditional advertisements such as magazine articles or television ADs. Measuring online media stats and interaction is immediate, so there are no longer long periods of time spent monitoring media figures.

There are also a couple things to be aware of when joining social media:

Make sure you’re setting the image you want to represent your brand. It can be easy to stray from where your brand or business needs to be, so keeping a handle on the path you want to take is important.

Be aware of your audience. We live in a hyper-sensitive world, and it can be very easy to offend your audience. Have a grasp of consumers and companys following you, and avoid material that could offend some.

In case your audience become upset or offended by your material, be ready to respond or handle customer criticisms in a professional manner. If online commenting or interaction doesn’t go as planned it is always good to be prepared.

An example of an interactive social media platform includes Twitter. Twitter allows you to post updates called “tweets”. You are able to tweet as frequently as you like, but your tweets are limited to 140 characters. It is a continuous stream of communication, and has lots of room for opportunity.

Twitter can help you discover what’s happening, grow your brand awareness, and connect with potential customers.

Whoever you follow, you see their posts, and whoever follows you, they see your posts.  It is a great way to build relationships and develop reliability and trust.

There has been recent research conducted that shows about 67% of people access the internet for social networking. With millions of users and more signing up every day, the power of social media is limitless.

Some popular social media platforms include:





Google Plus


If you haven’t integrated social media into your company yet, it’s time to take the next step with your business. Whether you sign up for one, or all of the platforms, social media can help your business in ways you would have never thought.  Just keep a firm grasp on all platforms, be aware of your audience and you’re ready to join.

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