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Considerate Marketing with Pokémon Go and Millennials (2 of 3)

07.27.2016 | Uncategorized

Continued from “What Pokémon Go Teaches us about Marketing and about the 21st Century LifestyleIt is becoming harder to stay ahead or even with the trends these days. It seems as though there is always some hot new app, social media site, game or fashion. Kids and young adults seem to follow waves of complete absorption in new fads, only to be followed by complete boredom when the next new thing comes around. So is it worth capitalizing on every new outbreak? On top of that, it is hard not to feel rash when making these immediate business decisions in an attempt to keep pace with the constantly changing trends. It seems like every venture is a gamble with how quickly hot new obsessions become yesterday’s news.

What is interesting is that almost every event and new trend can be spun into a marketing opportunity. It is just a matter of picking and choosing the most promising ones.


To continue from the last blog, it is worth mentioning that Pokémon Go may have a fifth and final allure to it- in addition to the interactivity, personalization, versatility and name recognition mentioned before. As much criticism as kids and millennials are getting for their absorption into this augmented Pokémon world, there is something to be said about their absorption. The game creates ironic “solutions” to the 21st century lifestyle. While the defense is made that the game is getting people outside more to explore, they are failing to appreciate the real outdoors with their heads in their phone. Ultimately what is most alarming is that this game is consuming people’s attention and taking priority over things it should not. The game has proven itself to be a dangerous distraction. People are in a sense getting too lost in this technology. But that is not to say the blame is entirely on these gamers and tech absorbed consumers. Maybe they have a reason to get lost. The game is a mindless escape from a world that is continually becoming more daunting and uncertain for young adults. The truth is, it is easier to fight Pokémon and worry about the next battle than to face all the hatred, violence, and grief in the world or worry about the next battle to pay off student loans. That is not to say it is necessarily right to hide from these realities; it is just important to consider the stress of the millennial generation and the appeal to escape, even if only briefly.

Earlier I compared the game to an impressive version of hide-and-seek. The ironic truth is, maybe the gamers are the real hiders, not the Pokémon. Is it justified to hide in an augmented reality? Or is it really helpful? Regardless of the answers to these questions, it is valuable for businesses to consider the reasons behind every successful trend. Businesses should be considering the perspective of these millennials and kids so that ultimately, they can react in the most appropriate way for their own success. And is that not the basis of good marketing; to not only address the  needs and interests of a particular group but to truly understand and answer in a way that inspires a favorable response?

Instead of mocking the trends or the captivated audiences for following the trends, companies should be aligning with them.  Why not piggyback on their success so that you too can flourish? From a marketing perspective, seek to embrace and connect with the largest generation block in the US, otherwise known as the Pokémon-loving and misunderstood millennials. (Pokémon) Go find a way to make this craze relevant to you.


Look forward to how Strän made Pokémon Go relevant to our  marketing strategy in tomorrow’s post.

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