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Happy Earth Day

04.20.2020 | Sustainability, Holiday



Celebrating Earth Day


Happy Earth Day! With the current state of events, now is as good a time as any to give thanks to the natural beauty that surrounds us. There’s no denying that times are tough right now, but it also gives us an opportunity to take the time to appreciate the simple things in life that we can sometimes take for granted.

One of those things that’s easy to take for granted is our planet. As silly as it sounds, when’s the last time you took the time to reflect on the beauty around you? Being stuck inside, this Earth Day might be tougher than most to pay homage to our planet. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t! Check out our top 3 remote Earth Day celebrations & our top 3 sustainable products.


Remote Earth Day


  1. Watch Nature Documentaries: If you can’t go outside to experience it, the next best thing is bringing it to a screen near you! Immerse yourself in nature and learn a thing or two about the world around you along the way. From oceans to deserts and everywhere in between, there’s a show for you!
  2. Plant a Garden: While you may be stuck around the house, you can still go outside. If you have room, consider planting a small garden! You can grow fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus and all sorts of veggies that are a great addition to your summer diet.
  3. Build a Birdfeeder: A great family activity that brings nature to your doorstep, build a birdfeeder! This is an awesome activity for the whole family and it’s something that’ll create lasting memories at every chirp.



Sustainable Products


  1. Reusable Water Bottles: Did you know that the average reusable water bottle saves 1,460 plastic bottles from entering landfills annually? Oh, and it also saves the average person $200 a year on bottled water.
  2. Reusable Straws: Another method of reducing plastic input into landfills? Reusable straws! They’re sleek, easy to clean and they travel well. Consider adding reusable straws to your earthy essentials.
  3. Reusable Totes: Noticing a theme? Eliminate single-use plastic products! Bring your reusable totes to grab your groceries and eliminate the use of plastic bags to keep them out of landfills.

For Earth Day 2020, make sure you take the time to appreciate the world around us. From learning to participating to sustaining, take the extra time you have on your hands to make our world a little bit greener for our generation and those to come. Sustainability is within our ability!


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