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Last Minute Holiday Gifts

11.19.2019 | Holiday


Guide to Holiday Quick Turn Ordering

Alright, it’s mid (almost late) November and you’re fully in holiday mode. But wait, you forgot about your holiday gifting effort! Don’t worry, it’s not too late, there are still plenty of holiday quick turn items that you can have at your door by the end of the week. So what do you need to know about holiday quick turns to streamline the process and get your gifts in on time? Follow these five easy steps to make sure your holiday gifting effort is as impactful & effective as possible…and on time of course!


Have production art ready to go: It may seem simple, but having production ready art on hand goes a long way in getting your proofs turned around and back in your inbox as soon as possible. After final proof approval, these products typically take between 24-48 hours to produce. Once you factor in shipping, you’re looking at about a one week turnaround on these items. Expedite the process by having your production artwork ready to go!

Have a general idea on price-point: When you reach out to your promotional products provider under a time crunch, help them help you by providing them with a general idea of how much you’re looking to spend on each item. By doing so, they’ll be able to provide you with the best product selection to fit your budget and effectively meet your gifting goals.

Know your audience: Who are you buying for? Clients? Employees? Prospects? Whatever the case, think about what they might like. Think broadly, what item would they actually want to keep around? From winter wear to board games or candles, pick a product that they’ll appreciate and hold onto. Try this exercise to get your creative product juices flowing. Stop reading this, if you’re in the office, roll your chair back and take a look around your desk. What do you see? What made the cut for your desk space? Now, what do you wish you saw on your desk? If you’re at home, take a look around. Could you use an extra candle in the kitchen? What about a pair of mittens to shovel off your driveway? Select an item that your recipient will find useful!


Establish an in-hands date: It probably goes without saying that you’ll need your holiday gifts before the holidays arrive…but could you please be more specific? Giving your provider a hard deadline will help you out big time when it comes to guaranteeing that you get your products in-hand before the holidays arrive. Because really, what good is a corporate or organizational holiday gift after the holidays? Establish a set in-hands date with your product provider so that they can work on your behalf to ensure that you receive your order on time.

Have a goal: Without sounding too corny, like everything else in life it’s good to have goals. With promotional products, and specifically gifting, you should have a set goal. Maybe it’s to maximize exposure, maybe it’s to leave your client feeling warm & fuzzy inside or maybe it’s to boost the morale of your employees. Regardless of what your intent may be, it’s important to select a product that will help you further that goal. Keep this in mind when ordering your quick turn holiday gifts. For example, if your goal is to show your employees that you have their back, maybe a car emergency kit would make sense. That’s just an example, but you get my point. Select products that make sense and further your overarching message. And be sure to cue your product provider in on your goals & initiatives, they’ve got tons of knowledge and can be a great asset in helping you find the perfect product within budget.

With the holidays right around the corner, consider asking your representative what quick turn options are available. From now until mid-December, Stran will be releasing four new quick turn products every Tuesday (Minus the week of Thanksgiving). Keep an eye out! And of course…happy holidays!

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