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Never Too Early To Plan For Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

07.16.2015 | Health & Wellness

Source of Calendar: Choose Hope. http://www.choosehope.com/calendar-of-cancer-awareness-months

October may seem far away right now, but it’s not too early to start thinking about Breast Cancer Awareness month. The perfect way to get everyone involved in a breast cancer awareness activity is to participate in a walk. This is a positive way to get your employees to be active while also bringing awareness , as a team, to a great cause. Volunteering at Breast Cancer events can be the perfect way to give back to the community. Finding great events for the whole team to be involved is very easy. Your company can get better deals when ordering early. As always items can be customized and there is a greater selection of items if they are ordered ahead of the fall rush. Getting your company involved in a walk earlier also means there is more time for fundraising efforts! October may not be a month that works well for your organization, but there are many other months with different cancer awareness initiatives for your organization to get involved in. There is always a way to get involved – no matter what month it is.

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