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New Employee Welcome Kits

02.07.2019 | Best Places to Work, Employee Welcome Kits


Imagine this, you’ve just landed your dream job. It’s time to celebrate! A your first day of work is rapidly approaching, the nerves begin to kick in as your new reality is now eminent. It is completely normal to feel this sense of uneasiness as you start a new job, nerves are normal. But a critical variable to ensuring a smooth transition into your new role is how you were welcomed on the first day. How can this office welcoming experience be enhanced and truly unique? By gifting new employees with welcome kits.

New employee welcome kits serve a number of important roles and are a great way to facilitate a mutually loyal working relationship between an employer and their employees. Now, think back to landing your dream job and being in a state of uncertainty, imagine arriving at your new desk to find a welcome kit showing that your new employer is eager to have you as a member of their team. It goes a long way in establishing loyalty early on and sets a positive tone for the work ahead and hopefully, it increases employee retention.

1. Informative Literature: This can range from HR forms, company expectations and policies to office maps and contact lists. Make sure that every employee has all of the information that they need at their disposal upon arrival. This will provide a sense of comfort as the recipient can direct their attention to the work that they were brought in to complete.


2. Branded Desk Supplies: A great way to increase loyalty and brand exposure is to give your employees the marketing tools to display your brand at their every move. A few items might include laptop cases, pens, coffee mugs, custom calendars, notebooks, backpacks and so on. These items will get your new employees excited to show off their new employer throughout the day.


3.Company Apparel It may seem simple, but a hat, t-shirt, sweatshirt or 1/4 zip can go a long way in creating loyalty from employer to employee. Everyone loves free clothing and if your new employees are truly excited to be joining your team, they will actually want to wear it! Like branded desk supplies, company apparel is a great marketing tool as it promotes brand awareness and becomes a medium for advertising.


4.Custom Packaging: Make sure that this welcome kit is representative of your brand with custom packaging. Show your new employees the kind of unwavering enthusiasm and pride that comes along with working as a member of your team. Each brand has a unique story, you’ll want to make sure that the writing is on the wall when you welcome new employees by telling that story every step of the way. Custom packaging is the perfect way to relay your unique message to new employees.


Keeping these different products in mind, there is one overarching consistency that they must contain. Your new employee welcome kits should be representative of your brand. Think of this as an opportunity to further your branding goals as your new employees are now becoming brand ambassadors. You’ll want to make sure that when they’re telling their friends and family about their new role that they’re glowing about their new opportunity. Create a lasting impression by welcoming new employees with custom and thoughtful welcome kits.

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